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HOME > ENGLISH > Long-term Internship Program

ENGLISHLong-term Internship Program

The Long-term Internship is a training program for Postdoctors and Doctoral Course Students at TUMSAT. In the program, it is planned that the Postdoctors and Doctoral Course Students can experience approximately 3 months business environment in a private company and/or institution.

Working experience outside of academia is the fundamental purpose of the Long-term Internship Program. This program does not cover research institutions affiliated with universities, industry-academia joint research institutions managed by universities, national research institutions, and research institutions of independent administrative agencies. However, training at research institutions of local public entities is permitted.

※ The flyer written in Chainese language is availavle now.
Please contact to us, if you are interested in the Long-term Internship.

Application Conditions

Applicants wishing to participate in the Internship must comply with the following:

Must work for about three months in a company as part of the Internship.
The Internship period should be between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015.

  • Must be keen to learn not only about their own specialty but also a broad range of other areas and technologies.
  • Must be highly motivated to develop their career path as a doctoral degree holder within companies or institutions. 

For Postdoctors, the Career Development Center of TUMSAT pays a salary by employing the trainee as a fixed-term worker during the Long-term Internship period. And, the daily commuting costs between the trainee's home/accommodation and the workplace will be paid.

Selection Process

Selections will be made by the Career Judging and Evaluation Committee based on the application documents.


The trainee must submit various reports periodically throughout the period of the Internship. The trainee must also submit a report after the completion of the Internship, and make a brief presentation at a career workshop later..

For more information

Refer to the following English documents or consult to Career Development Center directly.

1.  The courses of Graduate School relevant to your Career Development
2.  The Outline of the Long-term Internship Program Application Guideline 2015
3.  The Guideline for Support Contents of the Long-term Internship Program

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Application form

The only Japanese version of application form is available.
You can download the Japanese version of application form (MSWord) form here.
